
A customer centric approach to increase sales efficiency at the world's largest eyewear manufacturer

Overcoming disruption and increased competition in the eyewear industry


The eyewear industry is undergoing disruption, with increased competition and newer business models taking the market by storm. Sales was starting to slow down for the market leader between increasing competition and new internal policies.


Tools we used for this project :Ecosystem map, Critical Assumption testing, Rapid experimentation, Problem statement, Journey line, Empathy map, Love-do matrix, Outside -in -perspective, Open -ended questions, Listening skills, Observation skills and Affinity mapping.



We uncovered that the salesman did not need to spend his day meeting more customers; he had to make each meeting count more. In the current context, the salesman was unable to make each meeting count effectively. We needed to enable him with the means to make his meetings count!

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We built out a conceptual design for the solution taking into consideration the learnings from several rapid experiments we ran on the idea.

Our initial hypothesis of the salesman’s need for relevant data to maximise quality time at retailer was proved in just 2 days using simple experiments; thus we were able to scale up with a working proof of concept.





Empowering Kirana stores in India with ShopX

Designing tech focused experiences for Kirana store owners to leverage their network and relationships to better service their customers' needs


While managing money and investing are extremely personal decisions, it can be an overwhelming and intimidating experience. How do you redesign the current experience of managing money to make it more joyful, giving back control and confidence to the customer.


Tools we used for this project: Outside- in- perspective, Open -ended questions, Listening skills, Observation skills, Affinity mapping, Target tool, How Might We, Why- how laddering, Biomimicry, Osborn’s Checklist and Problem statement.



What had started as two different projects objectives, on digging deeper had common challenges. Individuals with varying levels of investment proficiency were looking for support in the choices that they were making.

Relationship with Money

People do not like to relinquish financial decisions to anyone. They wish to have the final say even if they are not the most qualified person in the room.


Make money work as hard as I do. Financial Planning is seen as something successful people do. 


People need help in resisting impulsive purchases and not just budgeting.  

They could not rely on banks for support as they had a frayed relationship with the bank. How do you create a financial tool that allowed the user to feel a sense of control over their financial decisions, and seek support from trusted parties?


One key solution from the many was an intelligent assistant that makes recommendations and manages your money for you, just the way you would like it! The product helps users monitor and track their expenses, and send and receive money instantly using the UPI feature. It allows the user to navigate through the product without having to provide any personal details during on-boarding. It also assesses their financial fitness, which in turn allows them to understand their current portfolio limitations and empowers them to plan for their future.


Our designs looked at visualising data and creating interactions that balanced the simplicity a novice user needed, with the layering of information that an expert user would want. 

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The design language was playful and simple to make financial planning and management less intimidating.  The visuals and design features gave customers a very quick view of their financial portfolio with little effort on their part and to have support at every step of the journey.



Redefining commerce and retail for the next billion in India with Future Group

Keeping pace with the changing needs and demands of the new age customer by reimagining blended commerce experiences



Though e-commerce has been growing rapidly in India, it constitutes less than 10% of the retail market. Traditional retail (brick and mortar stores) still holds strong catering to a larger cross-section of India; however it has to keep pace with the changing needs and demands of the new age customer. Our clients vision was to meet these needs incorporating the best of both brick and mortar as well as e-commerce to provide contextual blended commerce.

our process

Pensaar Design carried out in-depth qualitative research with a diverse mix of homemakers and working professionals across tier 1-3 cities to understand their grocery and essentials shopping habits and preferences.

Tools we used for this project: How Might We, Why-how laddering, Open- ended questions, Listening skills, Observation skills, Outside- in- perspective, Affinity mapping, Think independently together, Problem statement, Customer benefit metrics, Biomimicry and Osborn’ s checklist.



We explored solutions that elevated the current experience of the customer without losing out on the high level of in-person time and relationship with the shopkeeper.


Connect With Your Shopkeeper at Your Convenience

Giving customers the ability to connect with the shopkeeper: just-in-time when you need it, whether it is to create a shopping list or to get a missing ingredient while you are cooking.


Do Away With Shopping Lists

Transform the shopping experience for customers to move away from the tedious task of remembering and creating an exhaustive shopping list, to an auto-populated list basis the meals or recipes they decide to make

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