Investigating reasons for customer abandonment

Running simulations and experiments to curb abandonment & increase customer adoption


The company had observed low adoption of some of their natural, packaged food products in select markets. They believed that packaged products are perceived to not be natural, thanks to their preservative content, leading to a drop in sales and adoption. 


Pensaar Design carried out qualitative research to test the hypothesis and also understand what other factors were contributing to low adoption. The team used a combination of research techniques like attitude mapping, contextual inquiries and prototype testing to uncover deep rooted mindsets and beliefs. 

Pensaar Design carried out in-depth qualitative research across the brand’s ecosystem as well as the delivery ecosystem to dig deep and uncover customer expectations, product-service gaps, service and delivery issues, as well as reasons for product …


Using the Prototype Research technique, we created several low fidelity prototypes that allowed us to engage with customers easily and understand perceptions of people around branding, organic and packaged foods.


Attitude Mapping

Understanding attitudes around foods across different categories was integral to find patterns around packaged foods across different cultures.



The above insights became key opportunity areas for marketing and product innovation for the company. The marketing video based on the above insights became a huge success that led to increased sales.



Improving end to end food delivery experience through Service Design

Identifying behind-the-scenes activities and front-end mechanisms that enable the desired consumer experience


The online food ordering and delivery business was seeing a spurt in growth, where the constant influx of competitors push brands to always relook at their offerings, business model & service levels, with the objectives of customer retention & acquisition. The need of the hour was an intervention that could provide a much needed to fillip to the plateauing business.


Pensaar Design carried out in-depth qualitative research across the brand’s ecosystem as well as the delivery ecosystem to dig deep and uncover customer expectations, product-service gaps, service and delivery issues, as well as reasons for product abandonment. 

Pensaar Design carried out in-depth qualitative research across the brand’s ecosystem as well as the delivery ecosystem to dig deep and uncover customer expectations, product-service gaps, service and delivery issues, as well as reasons for product …


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understanding service ecosystem

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Introducing product interventions to improve nutrition standards for women and children

Research study on health and nutrition in low income households across India

Project overview

Pensaar Design carried out in-depth qualitative research of women and young girls across 4 cities in India to understand nutrition & food consumption behaviours. 

Project goal

Explorative research with low income customers, especially women & teenage girls to learn more about their health, nutrition and food consumption patterns.

Process Overview

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What We Did

In collaboration with our partner, we conducted ethnographic research into the behaviours around food consumption patterns, cultural and traditional belief systems driving food consumption habits, influencers and attitudes of target populations in urban locations throughout India. 

The big question was: How can new products and services influence healthier consumption habits among the economically disadvantaged?

India is culturally diverse and  the research was aimed at understanding the target populations’ food consumption within the context of an ecosystem of influences and relationships, including -


We conducted deep qualitative research across 3 cities in India covering several segments of people - young mothers in low income households with infants or pre-schoolers, Anganwadi workers, teenagers, school going kids and Kirana store owners to understand local preferences and stocking strategies.

Our Approach

Using a combination of research techniques like Follow Me Home to immerse ourselves in their natural surroundings and Show Me How to observe their cooking techniques and household food consumption behaviour we were able to generate key insights that were leveraged into opportunities for intervention.

Also see


Retail Sector

